Every man person should have a blog this day an age, and I shouldn't be an exception.
The introduction is an obvious choice for a first post. My name is Matt Micucci, though Matt Ayroli has a better sound to it. I live in Galway, but haven't lived here long enough to consider myself Irish and haven't lived in Italy long enough to consider myself Italian. I'm an alien.
I do feel alienated most of the times. I am mostly a bit of a recluse. I don't fall for flavours of the month, I'm not a dedicated follower of fashion and though people think I am vain I'm quite sensible. My bipolarism allows for a flamboyancy and theatricality that suits me fine in artistic endeavours.
I am the lead singer/songwriter and frontman of a band called Lexington 125. I have a BA in Film & TV and consider a future in film critique and history a plan B. Working in a factory all my life would be a damn waste...
I love your blog